Celebrating Pride with JellyFilledGirls!

Last June we linked up with the JellyFilledGirls to find out what made their jelly jiggle. 365 days later, Alessia and Sasha have taken home the Pornhub Fan Voting Award for Favorite Couple, making them the first queer couple to win the trophy. So much has changed for the JFG in the last year, so we're catching up with the women-loving-women couple to hear about the ups, downs, and back-up-agains of working in the industry with an ethics-first approach.
What have been the biggest changes for the JellyFilledGirls since we last spoke one year ago? Any juicy life updates to share with us?
In the past year we’ve experienced a substantial amount of personal growth on many levels. First, we came out to everybody about what we do. This took a lot of time and courage but we’re so glad that we got to this point. We’ve helped a tremendous amount of queer people navigate their sexuality in safe and healthy ways and we realized that this is a beautiful and powerful gift that is worth sharing with the world!
Second, we won our very first Pornhub award for Favorite Couple! Literally the best day in our entire career and one we will NEVER forget! This opened a lot of doors and because of that we started attending in-person events where we met other talented creators and performers in person (something we’ve never done before).
And finally ... we got engaged and are currently planning our super gay wedding!
Congratulations on your engagement! That’s awesome! Speaking of celebrations, how did it feel to be the first queer couple to win that award?
YASSSS!!! The feeling is absolutely indescribable! It’s one of those things that you just can’t put into words. It still feels so surreal. We think about it every single day and feel so deeply proud of ourselves for taking a leap of faith and starting this whole thing 3 years ago!
This award is aligned with our goal which is to provide the LGBTQIA+ community with loving, authentic, queer content made by a real, queer, woman-loving-woman (WLW) couple. It truly made all the hard work worthwhile, and we could not be prouder of ourselves for paving the way for such an amazing and deserving community that is often neglected in this industry!
Tell us about attending the Pornhub Awards party and not showing your face. Did you feel safe and comfortable at the event?
The Pornhub Awards was so glamorous and literally the coolest party we’ve ever been to! The transportation and security were top notch, so we felt extremely safe and comfortable! We wore masks that we coordinated with our outfits to conceal the top half of our faces but wanted to keep our mouths exposed so that we could connect and talk to people. The camera crew was very mindful of our privacy and would lower the cameras whenever they would walk past us or ask us before taking a picture which was super kind and respectful! All in all, it was an incredible and unforgettable experience, and we cannot wait to attend the next one!
Speaking of safety, we remember when JFG had to take a break from Pornhub due to an online safety issue. How would you describe the process of returning to the website? Is there anything you want to share that might help others in a similar situation
If it wasn’t for the Model Support team being so incredibly accommodating and helpful, we probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable returning! So y’all can thank the Pornhub staff for going above and beyond to help make this process easy and smooth for us!
Ever since we made the decision to come out to all our friends and loved ones about what we do, we’ve felt a lot more comfortable putting ourselves back out there. We’re lucky to be surrounded by (to our big surprise!) open-minded and supportive friends and family, and that facilitated our decision to return to the website!
Our number one piece of advice is to make sure you’re safe and organized online. Here is a list of things you can do to maximize your security:
- Use separate emails for different platforms.
- Use long complicated passwords that are different for every platform.
- Use a VPN to scramble any passwords or email addresses you may have put on a website that isn’t safe and to make it difficult to locate your IP address (approximate area/location).
- Turn location services OFF on your devices.
- Do not click on links fans send you.
- Make sure your personal socials are locked and secured with Two-Factor Authentication.
- Whenever you’re shooting content, make sure no personal information is visible in the room.
- Never engage with haters or harassers. Block, delete and repeat – most harassers get bored and move on if you show zero interest in their attention seeking behavior. If a harasser persists or engages in behavior that can be seriously harmful, take screenshots and don’t delete any threatening emails or messages. Important metadata is stored on those screenshots and emails and will need to be provided to authorities (in extreme cases when the law is broken, anybody is searchable online even if they present themselves as anonymous).
- Don’t share any personal or revealing information about yourself to anybody online, no matter how trustworthy they seem.
There are more tips that we can give, but for the sake of not writing a book, we encourage any models to reach out to us for any questions or advice. We are always happy to help fellow creators!
Hot off your recent Pornhub Award win, what’s next for the JFG? Any big plans for content creation this summer? Have you considered any collaborations with other creators?
Recently we were at the XBIZ Miami Awards and lived our best life meeting tons of awesome people! It’s rare that we do collaborations because it’s important for us to know the person well, and to develop a friendship and a real connection with them first. We rely heavily on authentic chemistry and connection because we want our content to reflect that. We know for a fact that our fans appreciate that! That being said, we’ve been spending a lot of time with the lovely Abigail Mac and Molly Pills from Horny Hiking. Getting to know them better has really tugged on our heart (and hooha) strings! So, who knows… Maybe something spicy is in the works!
Going into Pride month, how can allies show genuine support for the LGBTQIA+ community? How can allies show genuine support for all sex workers?
Shop at and support genuine LGBTQIA+ companies, not just companies who suddenly pretend they are pro- LGBTQIA+ during pride season. Attend pride events to show support and solidarity, regardless of your orientation. Volunteer at and donate to LGBTQIA+ fundraisers and charities if you can. Speak up when you see or hear any sort of discriminatory comment or behavior, even if you don’t identify as LGBTQIA+. We cannot stress this enough.
As for genuine support for sex workers, let us host pride events! Allowing space for collaborations and partnerships with sex workers would also be a huge step. We’ve had LGBTQIA+ companies at first show interest in a partnership with us, but then immediately drop us as soon as they find out that we create adult content. Sex work is usually where a lot of people and companies draw the line, and that needs to change.
Creating ethical porn is something JFG always promotes; what are some tips that independent content creators can implement to ensure they’re being ethical?
Communicate with your partner(s) before the shoot, during the shoot, and after the shoot. Express your personal boundaries with crystal clarity and follow them 100%, and the same applies the other way around. Respect and honor the other person’s boundaries and check in with them throughout the scenes. Learn to pick up on non-verbal cues and immediately stop whatever you’re doing if you have even an ounce of doubt that the person is uncomfortable. It’s not only important to communicate between creators/performers but also for the viewers to witness the communication and check-ins throughout the scene as well. Besides the fact that clear and vocalized consent is of utmost importance, it’s also super sexy (and can even be a form of foreplay)!
JFG are known to donate to LGBTQIA+ causes every Pride month. Do you have any advice for fans or members of our community to show their support? And are there any organizations you would like to highlight?
Thank you for bringing this up! So far, the LGBTQIA+ organizations we have donated to are The Trevor Project, Outright International, and Trans Life Line. This Pride month we are thinking of looking into organizations that fight biphobia and transphobia, as these two wonderful communities have repeatedly (and sadly) been under attack in recent years. We usually host a Pride charity Twitch stream during which we play videogames together, make complete fools of ourselves and chat with our fans in real time! People can donate whatever amount they desire on that live stream and at the end of the stream we match the donated amounts and give 100% of the funds to our chosen LGBTQIA+ organizations. So if you are an ally or a member of our community who wants to show support, tune into our annual Pride charity stream and donate whatever you can! We usually announce the date and time of the stream on our Instagram and Twitter, so make sure you follow us so you don’t miss out!